The Mathews

The Mathews

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Andy's Thriving

No News is Good News! We have been so busy lately that I haven't had time to post, but it is all because of good news :)

Andy has been healing well. He is able to be on his side or belly which allows him to be nursed and fed (thus the huge amount of time needed). He has increased his feedings from the beginning mark of 1 oz (30 mL) to 60-70 mL which is awesome news. Unfortunately his weight has not increased so much with it; the doctors are watching his salt numbers to make sure he is getting enough fluids.

Friday they took out his catheter and IV, so he is wire free except for his heart, oxygen, and heat monitors. Andy is loving every moment of that; he hates laying still and manages to wiggle his way off his pillows quite frequently.

The closure on his back looks good. The redness and purple is slowly decreasing, but they are watching it closely for bruising and drainage.

I was discharged on Friday night and am trying to make as fast of a recovery as possible. Right now Tom and I are trying to learn how to balance playing with Robby, pumping every 2-3 hours, and getting back into regular house life with driving to the hospital and seeing Andy. It hasn't been the easiest thing in the world, but I'm sure it will get better. For now we are savoring every minute of spending time with each of them.

Pictures to follow - once I find the camera :)


  1. Dawn,

    Sounds like everything is going wonderful! So happy for you! Keep enjoying every moment with your special family!


  2. Dear Dawn: Thanks so much for the updates. I can't even imagine how chaotic it all is, esp. with having to pump & run. Great to hear that Andy is doing well. Tell Robbie we miss him. Take care. Carol & Tom

  3. Congratulations to all 3 of you! I remember those days of being torn between the two. It is hard, but we will pray that the time goes by fast so you can all be together in the same house soon! So glad that your new little cutie is doing so well. I can't wait to meet him!

  4. SO happy to hear that things are going well. Hang in there with the travels and balancing it all. We still have Andy in our prayers! He sure is a cute little guy. I love the picture of the 3 of you together. It will be even better when he is home and you can get a family picture of all four of you! God Bless!
